Monday, January 31, 2011

Tourism at it's finest

This weekend me and 8 other girls went to the Masai Mara for a safari! We were a bit reluctant to go because we were afraid of how touristy it would be and just the general idea. But we also felt like it was a necessary thing to do if you are going to Africa! So we found a decent price and went for it! We left friday after swahili lessons at 10:00 am and were on the way. Around 1 we made it to Naroke and enjoyed some lunch however our fears of being the wazunugu were right because once we park and got out of the car we were bombarded with "jambo" and "its free to look". Feeling a bit humilitated we tried to defend ourselves with Habari Yako and other swahili phrases we have learned but it didnt seem to work. So after lunch we were in a hurry to continue moving, and move we did. In fact the road so so bumpy my head was pounding. Its kind of crazy but I feel like the safari groups should pitch in money and fix the 100000 pot holes that are on the 3 hour long ride to the National Park but hey just a suggestion. However we got to the park around 3:30 pm and were in awe of the beauty. So gorgeous. We had to leave at 6 however because there is a rule that if you stay after 6 you are fined. So we left and went to our campsite, the campsite was tents were large army esque tents that were pitch on concrete slabs with bathrooms included and 2 cots per tent. It was actually really nice. At dinner we met the 3 other guests, 2 danish men and a fellow from chicago. small world because the danish men actually SAW Megan walking down rhapta road that morning, its not hard to notice a whiteperson but it was megan! We all retired soon after dinner because michael our guide told us we should leave at 6:00 am the next morning. So the next morning was amazing, we saw lions and a rhino and the sun rise. The pictures dont do it justice. After a long afternoon we cameback for lunch and went out again arond 3:00 to see more and we did this time a cheetah adn her two cubs. It was slightly upsetting however because the cheetah was trying to hut and the 30 + vans surrounding her probably made it difficult so we kindly asked michael to take us home after a few moral dilemmas. Then it was up at 6:00 am the following morning this was the completel perfect ending to the trip because this time we actually saw the cheetah hunt and it wasnt quite as difficult because due to early rising there were only about 5 other vans. It was beautiful. We left around 10 am and we home in time for dinner and resting ! I think all of us were very happy we decided to be tourists for the weekend.
Tess, Beth and I in the back of the Safari Car.
Yeahh Buddy
The Masai Mara
Masai Mara
Buffalo! Nope not American Buffalo, African!
A nice up close and personal, we think they have some dutch ancestory, check ou the hair!
An Ostrich
Giraffes, these two actually looked like they were going to fight because they kept moving with eachother and kind interacting in a not so friendly manner.
Sun Rise at 6:00 am

Some more of the Masai Mara

A rhino! There are actually only 5 in the park so we were lucky and actually saw one.

A Baboon with baby on back
A herd of Elephants
Masai Mara

Lazy Lions on a sunday morning
This is actually a big pride of them, there are some cubs its just hard to see in the tall grass
The Cheetah with her kill and two cubs. See the Gazelle in her mouth
More of the cheetah with her cubs and kill.

1 comment:

  1. interesting to read, grateful for the help you give in your capacity as a volunteer.
