Sunday, January 16, 2011

Scavenger Hunt!!

Hello again! I come with lots of photos. Last Friday we went on a little scavenger hunt put on by lynsey. Let me tell you it was a pain but in the end it had a lesson as usual and made us more comfortable talking to people and asking directions i am constantly surprised at how friendly and helpful everyone here is and it also showed us some interesting places we might no have found on our own! My team was comprised of two other girls rachel and jordan. Sadly we did not win but we came in second!

This is not part of the scavenger hunt, this is just a horse in our backyard....
First stop! Sarkasi Dome, This is an internship site as well as a studio for lots of dance performances
Next we found the Ramoma art museum with the help of a little friend we made on the matatu there!
Also not a scavenger hunt photo but rather a mosque right near town that is quite gorgeous
The Arboreteum! pretty much the site where we lost a lot of steam and believe it or not got in trouble because you are not allowed to take photos here. You have to pay 1000 shillings but the lady was nice and let us keep this one.
The City Market
The Post Office! Please do not send me any mail because most likely i will not receive it before i leave since kenyan people like to run on kenyan time.
The Gallery.. that is not in commission..
A Statue oh and the lovely hilton located right behind !
Apparently a really good place to eat...
The national archives! and the place we decided was going to be our last one for the day..
We met up with everyone at the kenyan museum which was actually a really nice place. This is a statue of an elephant in the courtyard
They also have the largest collection of stuffed birds!!!!
This turtle flipped the other one over, I thought that was quite mean so made a man flip the turtle back over.
Oh just a snake in my backyard, just kidding. A Snake at the Snake exhibit. Accidentally put this photo on twice and cant figure out how to delete it... so enjoy it twice!!


  1. Great fun, what a wonderful way to explore!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Hope school goes better this week!

  2. Looks like you are enjoying yourselves! Keep them pictures comin'!
    Many hugs // Steff
